Free Horoscopes

Discover the huge collection of free horoscopes and the outstanding horoscope reports of Liz Greene, Robert Hand and many other outstanding astrologers. All personal horoscopes are calculated with your individual birth data.


Today & Tomorrow

What is the time quality right now? What will the next days and weeks bring? And how will the coming year be? Here you will find answers.


Personality Horoscopes

How well do you know yourself? Astrology can give you profound insights into your personality. Explore yourself!


Love & Relationship

Relationships belong to the deepest experiences in life. Do you know why you feel attracted to one person, but not to the other? These horoscope interpretations offer you fascinating insights.


Children, Young People

Children experience life through play and have to try out a lot before anyone can even apprehend their later path in Life. Nevertheless: Certain inclinations and talents can be read from a child's birth horoscope, even when they are still young.


Charts & Data

Calculate your horoscope, choose from the different drawing methods and horoscope types or customize your drawing according to your wishes. Here you will also find the ephemeris files for nine thousand years.


Locational Astrology

Local Astrology shows you which themes of your horoscope are activated at which places - perfect for planning your next trip. Furthermore: Local Space Astrology - project the horoscope onto your living space.


All at a glance

See all free horoscopes on one page


Personal Daily Horoscope

Personal Daily Horoscope

The Personal Daily Horoscope is the most popular horoscope at Here, you can find your individual themes for today, yesterday and tomorrow - every day.

Psychological Horoscope<

Psychological Horoscope Analysis

The Psychological Horoscope Analysis by Liz Greene is a fascinating combination of astrological empirical science and contemporary depth psychology.

Color Oracle

Color Oracle

The extraordinary Color Oracle - free for you! What are you dealing with right now? This color test will reveal more about your current disposition.