Frequently asked questions
Understanding Astrology > Celestial Points and Bodies
- Which
Lilith do you use in astrology? There are more than one,
The astrological tradition of Lilith/Dark Moon originates primarily in France and has spread over large parts of Europe in the last 25 years from there.
At least in Europe, Lilith always refers to the second focal point of the Lunar orbit, or to the Lunar apogee, which both are on the same axis and at the same position of the zodiac, from a geocentric viewpoint. The terms 'dark moon' and 'black moon' are both used for the same mathematical point.
The asteroid Lilith is a real asteroid (#1181), but there is no relevant astrological tradition associated with it. Currently there are about 36'000 numbered asteroids known with precise orbits, in the average you find 100 of them in every degree of the zodiac.
There is also a theory about a fictitious second Earth Moon. These are not documented by contemporary astronomers, even when a 100 years ago some astronomers have claimed to have seen such invisible objects.
Please see section 2.6 of the Swiss Ephemeris documentation for our policy as ephemeris authority regarding fictitious objects.
See also Lilith - The Dark Moon - What
can you tell me about asteroids in astrology?
There is no public source on the web covering a large number of asteroids. Schmadel's asteroid enzyclopedia is the best source, but its website is for subscribers only; you need to buy the 150 USD book from Springer to get access.
Otherwise try and enter something like "astrology and asteroids" - there should be some information around. - What
do fixed stars mean in astrology? does not specialise in this field. Please find some book on Fixed Stars, e.g. by Bernadette Brady, who has done some inspired writing on the subject ("Brady's Book of Fixed Stars").