Frequently asked questions
AstroShop > Orders and Shipping
- Is
it possible to cancel my order?
No, unfortunately, you can't cancel your order once it has been placed. Please find more information in our terms of trade.
- Is
it possible to order by postal mail?
Yes, it is. You can either send in a cheque or convey your credit card information by mail. Please, see our contact page for reference.
Please, consult our Terms of Trade for more detail. - How
long does it take for a report to be mailed?
Please, consult our Terms of Trade to find out about shipping times and other information concerning your order.
- I haven't
received my order yet. Can you send it again?
It is our practice to wait for three weeks for the order to arrive at its destination. If you haven't received your order after three weeks, we will send it again.
- Is
it possible to receive a report by e-mail instead of a printed
You can order all horoscope reports in the AstroShop as E-Horoscopes (PDF or website). You can either view it as PDF or website or have it sent by e-mail. There are no shipping costs.
I have purchased the "Extended Daily Horoscope", but haven't received
it yet. When will it be sent?
You have purchased a subscription to the extended online version of the daily horoscope. This gives you right to access information on our web server which only paying users can access. The subscription is NOT an item which is shipped to you.
Can hardcopy reports be ordered in all countries?
No, printed and bound reports can only be ordered in the following countries:
- Switzerland and Liechtenstein
- EU countries
- GB