Frequently asked questions

Stored Data > Data Privacy

  1. How can I protect my data from people who use the same computer?

    First of all, we recommend you to create a registered user profile and to activate "high security" in the section View / edit registered user data. Each time you start your browser, you will have to log in to your profile.
    IMPORTANT: When you have finished your session, you need to do one of three things:
    - go to My Astro and use the link Leave this profile ...
    - exit your browser
    - switch off your computer.
    Each of these actions deletes the hidden 'session cookie', and the next time you access, you need to log in to your profile again.

  2. There are changes in my data list which I haven't entered. How is this possible?

    This can only happen if you have published your profile ID (for example, if you have sent a link to someone), or used somebody else's profile ID from a published link.
    It can also happen on a public computer, where a cookie was left in the browser for future sessions from the same computer.
    The remedy is: Register your profile (see My Astro in the top menu bar) and activate the "high security" feature when you register. Access to your data will be denied anyone who is not in possession of your password.

  3. All the data saved in my profile seem to have disappeared!

    It is possible that the cookie which connects your computer to your My Astro profile has been deleted on your computer.
    If you are in a guest profile right now, please leave it and log into your registered profile.
    If you have only used a guest profile (not a registered user profile), the loss of your cookie means the loss of your data. With a registered profile, logging into your profile restores the cookie.


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