Frequently asked questions
Charts > Chart drawing styles
- Overview: Available drawing styles in the Extended Chart Selection
The following drawing types can "Extended Chart Selection" be made:
Chart drawing style: Web default style
Default settings: Chiron is shown, but without aspects, true Node, without Lilith.
Design: Colored, light blue and yellow, thin lines.
mnop q r stq vw A, B 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° C,D,E 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° F,G 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° O,I,J,N 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° L,Q,T 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additional objects'.
Chart drawing style: Astrodienst style
Default settings: With wider orbs (10°) according to Liz Greene, Placidus houses; with Chiron in the drawing, the position of Lilith listed in the tables.
Design: Colored chart
mnop q r stq vw A, B 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° C,D,E 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° F,G 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° O,I,J,N 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° L,Q,T 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additional objects'.
Chart drawing style: Astrodienst with asteroids
Default settings:Like method Astrodienst, the asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus and Eros are added.
Design: Colored chart
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additional objects'.
Chart drawing style: Astrodienst with AC/MC aspects
Default settings: Like method Astrodienst, with aspects to Ascendant and Medium Coeli.
Design: Colored chart
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additional objects'.
Chart drawing style: Astrodienst with Ceres + Eris
Default settings: Like method Astrodienst, Ceres und Eris are added.
Design: Colored chart
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additional objects'.
Chart drawing style: Astrodienst Fixed Stars
Default settings: Natal chart with twelve constellations of the zodiac, plus Orion, Ophiuchus and Cetus. "Three-dimensional" depiction of the course of horizon and meridian. Fixed stars up to ecliptic latitude of 40° are shown. Fixed stars within a 5° orb of a planet are marked and named. The additional data sheet (PDF) furthermore lists the following data:
- Positions of fixed stars with a distance of less than 5° from a planet or less than 2° from an axis.
- Aspects between planets and fixed stars (true angles, ecliptical, and angles in the circle of houses),
- Heliacic events (first and last rising and setting of planets or stars in the course of the year)
- Parans I (sorted according to axial position of the planet).
- Parans II (sorted according to axial position of the star).
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additional objects'.
Chart drawing style: Astrodienst with Arabic Parts
Default settings: Arabic parts for Fortune, Spirit, Necessity, Eros, Courage, Nemesis and Victory.
The additional data table lists the arabic parts according Al-Biruni, from the "Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology", translated by R. Ramsey Wright (1934).
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Astrowiki style (no Chiron)
Default settings: Same as method "Astrodienst", Chiron and Lilith listed but not shown.
Design: Colored chart
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Classical style
Default settings: Same as method "Astrodienst", Sun to Pluto shown, without Chiron and Lilith.
Design: Colored chart
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Liz Greene style
Default settings: Special orbs (10°), black and white drawing with colored aspects, degrees shown in the chart, Placidus houses.
mnop q r stq vw A, B 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° C,D,E 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° F,G 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° O,I,J,N 10° 6° 3° 3° 2° L,Q,T 0° 0° 0° 0° 0° Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Anglo
Design: American style
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Anglo with zodiac
Design: American style with zodiac in an outer circle.
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Kündig style w. aspect circle
Default settings: all aspect points of all planets are marked along the outside of the zodiac (aspect corona), valuable for all comparative studies and analyses of progressions or transits. Placidus houses.
Design: Black and White
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Ebertin style (with midpoints)
Default settings: Fixed zodiac with Aries on the right-hand side, additional 90° circle on the outside, no aspects, Koch houses (houses not shown). Additional data table (PDF) with midpoints and triad structures.
Design: Black and White
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Hellenistic
Default settings: Whole Sign Houses, only seven classical planets and lunar node, Parts of Fortune, Spirit, and Eros.
The colors of the planet indicate which astrological "sect" they belong to. The Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are considered day planets and are red, whereas the Moon, Venus, and Mars are considered night planets and are blue. Mercury is considered a day planet when he rises before the Sun, otherwise he is a night planet.)
Only the following aspects are used: conjunction, opposition, square, trine, sextile. Aspects displayed with a solid or dashed line have the following orbs: 13° for the Moon and 3° for the Sun and the planets. If the line is half solid and half dashed, the Moon's orb is fulfilled, but the planet's orb is not. The lunar node has no orb, and no aspects are drawn. (recommendation of Chris Brennan)
Dotted aspect lines indicate whole-sign aspects, which were more common in Hellenistic astrology. A conjunction is given when two planets are in the same sign, a square is given when two planets occupy two signs that are in square to each other, and so on.
With Whole Sign Houses, the 1st house contains the whole sign in which the ascendant is located. The 2nd house is the next sign, the 3rd house the next but one, etc.
The drawing also uses three "lots" (κλῆροι), also called "Arabic points" or "parts", which, however, were already in use in Hellenistic astrology. They are called Fortune, Daimon and Eros. The Daimon is named after the divine being which, according to the imagination of the ancient Greeks, accompanies the human being and leads him to his destiny. The three points are calculated as follows:
- Fortune: Asc + Moon - Sun (with night births: Asc + Sun - Moon)
- Daimon: Asc + Sun - Moon (with night births: Asc + Moon - Sun)
- Eros: Asc + Venus - Daimon (with night births: Asc + Daimon - Venus)
Chart drawing style: Swiss Astroforum
Default settings: Koch houses, Lilith, Chiron, Isis (Transpluto) and Pars Fortunae shown, aspects to AC and MC. Additional 90° circle around the drawing.
Design: Colored zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Swiss Astroforum 2
Default settings: Koch houses, Lilith, Chiron, Isis (Transpluto).
Design: Colored zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Dethlefsen style
Default settings: Additional 90° circle around the drawing, zodiac aligned to Medium Coeli.
Design: Black zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Mertz style
Default settings: Equal houses, with additional data table with aspect points.
Design: Black zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Munich Rhythm Method
Default settings: Drawing without aspects, Placidus houses, with additional data table with the Döbereiner triggers (Auslösungen) for 84 years.
Design: Colored zodiac, Earth in yellow and Air in light blue
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Quinta Essentia style
Default settings: Koch houses
Design: Black zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Calderara style
Default settings: Placidus houses
Design: Black Zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Studer style with aspect circle
Default settings: Aspect corona on the outside, with additional data table of midpoints and triad structures.
Design: Colored zodiac, special aspect colors, colored aspect corona
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Keller style (with midpoints)
Default settings: Additional data table with midpoint structures and aspects, midpoints in zodiacal order, midpoints in 90 degree order, midpoints in 45 degree order and parallel aspects between natal planets.
Design: Black zodiac, colored aspects
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Jakubowitz style
Default settings: Placidus houses, additional aspect corona with all aspect points.
Design: Special aspect colours, colored aspects and corona
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Xylander style
Default settings: Equal houses, aspects to AC and MC.
Design: Special aspect colours
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Huber/API style
Default settings: Koch houses, drawn on the outside, pulsating aspects, additional data sheet with dynamic counting, invert point and deadpoint, complete age progression for 72 years.
Design: Huber style
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Huber House Chart
Default settings: All houses same size, signs of the zodiac either lengthened or shortened, additional data table with house cusps degrees and table of mundane aspects.
Design: Huber style
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Huber Nodes Chart
Default settings: Moon's Nodes Houses, drawn clockwise against the normal direction in the zodiac. Additional data sheet with complete age progressions.
Design: Huber style
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Weber style
Default settings: With the hypothetical planets Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulkanus, Poseidon ("Hamburger Schule"), additional 90° circle on the outside.
Design: Black zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Gauquelin sector chart
Default settings: Natal with Gauquelin sectors (Placidus) instead of houses.
Design: Colored zodiac
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Sky Map: Eastern Sky
Default settings: Sky map of the eastern sky, with constellations, planets and axes.
Design: Astrodienst Sky map for the Fixed Star Report "Stories from the Stars" by Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg.
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Sky Map: Western Sky
Default settings: Sky map of the western sky, with constellations, planets and axes.
Design: : Astrodienst Sky map for the Fixed Star Report "Stories from the Stars" by Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg.
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Sky Map: Upper Sky
Default settings: Sky map of the upper sky, with constellations, planets and axes. If the Sun is in it, it is bright, if not, it is grey.
Design: Astrodienst Sky map
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.
Chart drawing style: Sky Map: Lower Sky
Default settings: Sky map of the lower sky, with constellations, planets and axes. If the Sun is in it, it is bright, if not, it is grey.
Design: Astrodienst Sky map
Default settings can be changed in 'Options' and 'Additio nal objects'.