Frequently asked questions

Free Horoscopes > General

  1. Why are not all your free reports offered in all online languages?

    We give our online reports to our users for free, which means that we do not get any revenue from them. Therefore, it is impossible for us to have all of them translated by professional translators. However, if enthusiastic and skilled volunteers are prepared to do the translations, we are happy to accept such an offer. Some of the short reports have actually been translated by volunteers.

  2. Is it possible to choose different house systems for all chart drawings and interpretations?

    For chart drawings: yes. Select your house system in the respective pull down menu in the Extended Chart Selection.

    house system
    house system

    For interpretations: no. The interpretations are based on the techniques and house systems the author uses. They cannot be changed. The Personal Daily Horoscope however uses the house system users have saved in their preferred chart settings.

  3. In what way is Robert Hand involved with Astrodienst? Can I contact him for questions concerning your services?

    Robert Hand is the author* of astrological reports and online features we offer at Astrodienst. He is not involved directly in the services offered on

    Therefore we would like to ask you to refrain from contacting Robert Hand for any questions or comments concerning products or services of Astrodienst.

    * Most of the astrological texts by Robert Hand were written in the 1970s for the company Astral Research. Astrodienst acquired the company in 1998, and with it the world-wide exclusive copyrights for the texts. The same applies to John Townley and Robert Pelletier.

  4. Is it possible to have a particular entry selected by default for all services?

    Yes, this is possible. You will find the exact instructions at FAQ -> My Astro -> Stored data, question 6


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